Home 9 Your Support 9 Associates Of The Little Company


The Vincentians of the Western Province work every day to serve the poor, educate young people, form priests and brothers and spread the gospel in the communities where we serve. But our ministry is not possible without the faithful support of our lay collaborators, donors and friends.

The Associates of the Little Company is a dedicated group of faithful supporters named after the original followers of St. Vincent de Paul – his ‘little company.’  Members make an annual gift of $500 or more to enliven Vincentian outreach ministries throughout the province and to provide care for our senior priests and brothers.


All members enjoy special prayers on Feast Days, updates on the apostolates and have intentions remembered in a monthly Mass.

Through their prayers, good works and generosity, Associates of the Little Company help Vincentians reach out to the poor, lonely and abandoned, and bring the good news of Christ to the least of God’s people. Here are a few examples of how your gift will impact those we serve.

  • 12,500 families served in U.S. Vincentian parishes
  • 40,000 families receiving Christ’s loving message in Parish Missions in ’23-’24
  • 50+ senior priests and brothers receive care
  • 82,577 subscribers to The God Minute
  • 60,000 individuals served in Kenya parishes and apostolates

Today, the Congregation of the Mission Western Province is inviting you to offer your support as an Associate of the Little Company with an annual gift of $500 or more. Prayerfully consider the giving level that is right for you, and make your gift today.