our stories
Prosper the Work of Our Hands
Bro. Jim Donlevy, C.M., was an integral part of the Vincentian community in Kenya for 20 years, teaching woodworking skills to Kenyans in a program he created.
Living in Service and Generosity
Ruth Lang turned 100 years old in 2023 and worked for many years at Holy Trinity Parish in Dallas. She lives in Vermont and shared some memories.
What Must Be Done?
The Vice-Province of Kenya, once a mission of the Western Province, recently launched a mission of its own into neighboring Uganda.
Follow Your Heart
Inspired by his aunt, a Daughter of Charity, Fr. Nahn “Tino” Tran, C.M., emigrated from Vietnam in 2001 and pursued a vocation as a Vincentian priest.
Fr. Swift Named Assoc. Director of Formation
Longtime educator Fr. James Swift, C.M., has been appointed the Province’s Associate Director of Formation, effective July 1.
‘Fr. Memo’ Named Chief Mission Integration Officer
Fr. Guillermo Campuzano, C.M., (“Fr. Memo”) has been named Chief Mission Integration Officer for the Congregation of the Mission Western Province.
Provincial Office Closed for President’s Day
The Provincial Office will be closed Feb. 18, 2024, in observance of President’s Day. We look forward to talking to you when we reopen on Tuesday.
Listen to God
Fr. Perry Henry, C.M., discusses his time in parochial ministry in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina and the need to find a quiet place when discerning a religious vocation.
Thank You From New Orleans
Fr. Tom Stehlik, C.M., offers a message of thanks to donors for this year’s successful Annual Appeal, with a little New Orleans flare.
Fr. Paul Lloyd Golden, C.M. Jan. 4, 1939 – Jan. 20, 2024
We remember Fr. Paul Lloyd Golden, C.M., who passed away on Saturday, Jan. 20, 2024, of cancer at the age of 85. Rest in peace.