About Us

We must “keep in mind in this work of evangelization which the Congregation proposes to carry out: attention to the realities of present-day society, especially to the factors that cause an unequal distribution of the world’s goods, so that we can better carry out our prophetic task of evangelization.”
Jesus sought out the poor. Time after time in the Gospel we find him with ordinary people, outcasts, the blind and lame, sinners and sinister characters. Vincentians seek out and announce the Good News of the Gospel – peace and mercy – to those on the margins, those who are rejected by the world.
To follow Christ is to “evangelize” the poor. This is the fundamental idea that gives life and unity to the Congregation of the Mission and to the spirituality of those who have committed themselves to continue the mission of Jesus. It is our desire to achieve the perfection of charity.
Today the Vincentians lead vibrant ministries to the poor throughout the Western Province, including
- DePaul University student outreach to the poor, to teach the Vincentian charism to new generations. Lifelong habits of charity grow from these experiences.
- The Rebuild Center in New Orleans assists the homeless to find temporary and permanent housing and a food pantry to help those in need.
- Legal Services for immigrants, to provide assistance in a sometimes challenging environment.
- Collaborative food, clothing, rent, and utility assistance programs for the poor and the elderly at each of our Vincentian parishes
- Serve five rural parishes in Alaska, taking over an international Vincentian mission there and provide liturgy and other services to an underserved population.
- Support the priests and brothers of the Vice-Province of Kenya, who run woodworking training, business and agriculture programs, water projects, food and medical assistance, preschool program for impovershed children, and more.