education and evangelization
Directed by Fr. Ron Hoye, C.M., Catholic TeamWorks is a Vincentian ministry of evangelization to inspire and empower people of faith. It includes Vincentian Parish Missions, the popular The God Minute app and podcast, and Catholic Home Living, where visitors can obtain books, electronic resources, and other merchandise.
Based in Perryville, MO, at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, the Association of the Miraculous Medal brings Jesus Christ to the world by inspiring devotion to Mary, Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, through whom we unite ourselves in prayer to grow in holiness while supporting the apostolic mission and charitable work of our Vincentian priests and brothers.
Dedicated in August 2023, Vincentian Mission House in South St. Louis is the home of the Western Province’s Vocations and Formation Programs. It serves as a residence for our seminarians and our Vocations and Formation personnel, as well as a location for recruitment and formation events and other activities. For more information about vocations with the Congregation of the Mission Western Province or contact information for our vocations director, click HERE.
Based in Kansas City, MO, the Vincentian Parish Mission Center team conducts missions at parishes around the country in the tradition of St. Vincent de Paul, the founder of the Congregation of the Mission. While you are on the site, be sure to check out Monday Morning Coffee Break with Fr. Bob Gielow HERE.
Mass can be a time out of your busy week to focus on you and the world around you. Homily Week, organized by the late Fr. Mike Boyle, C.M., utilizes modern technology to help you open the door to wisdom – to the past and the growing wisdom of the present – to help you listen and reflect on the Scriptures for the weekend.
Our Parishes and Missions
Western Province–UNITED STATES
Christ the Savior Church, Brewer, MO.
Holy Redeemer Church, San Antonio, TX.
Holy Trinity Church, Dallas, TX.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Cathedral, Anchorage, AK.
Our Lady of the Lake, Big Lake, AK
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, San Antonio, TX.
Our Lady of Victory Church, Sereno, MO.
Sacred Heart Church, Patterson, CA.
Sacred Heart Parish, Wasilla, AK
St. Bernard of Menthon Parish, Talkeetna, AK
St. Catherine Laboure Church, St. Louis, MO
St. Christopher Parish, Willow, AK
St. Joseph Church, New Orleans, LA
St. Michael Church, San Antonio, TX.
St. Peter’s Vietnamese Church, Dallas, TX.
St. Phillip Benzini Parish, Trapper Creek, AK
St. Pius V Parish, St. Louis, MO
St. Vincent de Paul Church, Chicago, IL.
St. Vincent de Paul Church, Los Angeles, CA.
St. Vincent de Paul Church, Perryville, MO.
St. Vincent de Paul Church, St. Louis, MO.
Vice-Province of KENYA
Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Indagalasia, Kenya
St. Kizito Church, Matisi, Kenya
St. Vincent de Paul Church, Giathugu, Kenya
St. Vincent de Paul Church, Kamulu, East Africa
Our Lady Queen of Peace Kyebando, Uganda
Notes From the Province
What Makes a Vincentian: The Virtue of Zeal
When St. Vincent spoke about the virtue of zeal, he usually referred to it as “zeal for the salvation of souls.” In the 21st century, this understanding is usually viewed as being too narrow. Today we expand would expand our understanding of this virtue to include zeal for the salvation and wellbeing of the entire person – soul, mind, and body.
What Makes a Vincentian: The Virtue of Mortification
The virtue of mortification is one that most Catholics and probably many Christians are familiar with. Every year during Lent people might ask one another, “What are you giving up for Lent.” or “What are you doing for Lent”? Both of these questions point to the virtue of mortification.
What Makes a Vincentian: The Virtue of Meekness
In practice, meekness is a combination of gentleness and firmness, standing fast to one’s principles, but always willing to listen and speak with affection.
What Makes a Vincentian: The Virtue of Humility
Humility has gotten a bad name in the modern world. To be humble or to be humbled can connote a sense of low self-esteem. However, prescinding from the context of seventeenth century spirituality, the Vincentian practice of humility today is actually affirmative and helpful.
The CM at the UN: Make Room, Here Come the Young
On Sept. 20 and 21, the UN hosted two action days focused on youth and their concerns, signalling an appropriate increased focus on young people at the international body.
The CM at the UN: Everyone Deserves a Decent Home
The 13 Houses Project, by the Famvin Homeless Alliance has in only six years provided homes and access to services to more than 10,000 formerly homeless people, worldwide.

What Makes a Vincentian: The Vow of Celibate Chastity
The Vincentian vow of chastity is, rather than restrictive, very freeing in many ways.
The C.M. at the U.N.–It’s Called Fairness
Even in the more undeveloped areas of the world, where futures seem pre-determined and fixed, with some exposure to the wider world everyone would want greater fairness, with opportunity for everyone, with material help when needed, with everyone’s dignity respected. The United Nations’ 2030 Agenda of Peace and Prosperity for People and the Planet aims at getting humanity closer to that world. And the underlying promise is to leave no one behind.

What Makes a Vincentian: The Vow of Poverty
The vow of poverty does not mean living a life of destitution. Rather, it means living a life that is simple, not building up unneeded wealth…to live as Jesus lived.
The CM at the UN: The World Happiness Report
The UN World Happiness Report reveals that the largest economies, including the U.S., don’t necessarily have the happiest citizenry. While the young are less happy because of many factors, they also hold the key to turning things around.