A Deep Love for the Poor

A Deep Love for the Poor

“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”
 – Mt. 25: 35 “This Gospel quote describes how the Vincentians live every day,” says Bob Shadduck, long- time supporter of the Western...
A Journey of Joy

A Journey of Joy

In the back-seat of a small Toyota SUV, Fr. Paul Golden, C.M., rode white-knuckled to visit a Vincentian parish outside Nairobi. “Driving in Kenya is a nightmare,” Fr. Paul chuckled. “The roads are rough and, in the Nairobi area, there is so much traffic – cars,...
Deep Vincentian Roots

Deep Vincentian Roots

“Growing up, we attended the novena every Monday night at the Shrine of the Miraculous Medal,” Rita Esselman recalls. “Our faith and the Vincentian ‘way’ were central to our family life – I wanted to pass it on to our children.” Born and raised in Perryville, Mo.,...