by vincentiansstg | Jun 18, 2018 | Province News
“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”
– Mt. 25: 35 “This Gospel quote describes how the Vincentians live every day,” says Bob Shadduck, long- time supporter of the Western...
by vincentiansstg | Jun 18, 2018 | Province News
Your support means so much to those we serve, including our Vincentian priests and brothers living in retirement. Your prayers and generosity help provide quality health services and 24-hour care in a community setting at the Apostle of Charity Residence in...
by vincentiansstg | Jun 18, 2018 | Province News
Nearly 15 years ago, a wave of immigrants, mostly from Mexico, moved north from Texas through Oklahoma to Arkansas, where many of them settled. Fr. Tom Stelik, C.M., and the other priests serving at St. Anne Parish in North Little Rock, recognized that the new...
by vincentiansstg | Mar 27, 2018 | Province News
An Interview with Mark McGreevy, OBE, Chief Group Executive, Depaul International By Fr. J. Patrick Murphy, C.M. What is Depaul International? Depaul started as a partnership within the Vincentian Family. We develop that partnership through governance and our...
by vincentiansstg | Mar 27, 2018 | Province News
In the back-seat of a small Toyota SUV, Fr. Paul Golden, C.M., rode white-knuckled to visit a Vincentian parish outside Nairobi. “Driving in Kenya is a nightmare,” Fr. Paul chuckled. “The roads are rough and, in the Nairobi area, there is so much traffic – cars,...
by vincentiansstg | Mar 27, 2018 | Province News
“Growing up, we attended the novena every Monday night at the Shrine of the Miraculous Medal,” Rita Esselman recalls. “Our faith and the Vincentian ‘way’ were central to our family life – I wanted to pass it on to our children.” Born and raised in Perryville, Mo.,...