by vincentiansstg | Feb 24, 2020 | Carousel, Province News
What do a former seminarian and a postulant to the life of a religious sister have in common? 48 years of marriage! Bill and Mary Tarnow of Lombard, Illinois, have deep roots in their Catholic faith. Bill was a student at St. Vincent Seminary in Lemont, Illinois, and...
by vincentiansstg | Feb 24, 2020 | Carousel, Province News
Students and faculty at DePaul University spent a night sleeping on the streets of Chicago in solidarity with the poor, raising more than $30,000 to support the homeless. The Sleep Out was part of a global initiative to raise awareness of the increasing homelessness...
by vincentiansstg | Jan 13, 2020 | Province News
On the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul, more than 250 people from across the country came together to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Colorado Vincentian Volunteers. For two and a half decades, the ministry has fostered a community of faith and action that responds...
by vincentiansstg | Jan 13, 2020 | Province News
Since beginning his Vincentian formation in 2015, Scott Jakubowski, C.M., has experienced the great joy and peace that come with a life of selfless service. Beyond his philosophy and theology classes, Scott has grown through ministry work here in the United States and...
by vincentiansstg | Nov 1, 2019 | Province News
Our work of serving the poor often seems like a small offering in the face of overwhelming need. But what might seem insignificant has the power of a seed, sown and cultivated, that explodes into new life and grows into something unimaginable. “The Father of the Poor...
by vincentiansstg | Oct 2, 2019 | Province News
Women in prison and in re-entry are among the most neglected members of our society – the very people Vincentians are called to serve. This past year, grants from the Walking with the Poor Ministry Fund have been awarded to help provide a mentoring program for women...