by | Oct 7, 2023 | Carousel, Province News
This article initially appeared in the fall 2023 edition of The Vincentian, the Western Province’s quarterly newsletter. Fr. Binh Nguyen, C.M., grew up in Vietnam and attended the Vincentian high school seminary. Initially, he didn’t know the difference between...
by | Sep 21, 2023 | Carousel, Province News
On Saturday, Sept. 23, 2023, the Congregation of the Mission Western Province will celebrate the centennial of its mission to China, along with the Eastern Province and the Curia in Rome with a Mass and graveside service at the National Shrine of Our Lady of the...
by | Sep 7, 2023 | Carousel, Province News
Our Parish Appeals for 2023-24 are focused on serving the poor in Kenya, providing care for senior Vincentians who have devoted their lives to the Vincentian charism, and supporting vocations and formation programs to recruit and educate the next generation of...
by | Aug 28, 2023 | Carousel, Province News
Aug. 19 Event Begins a New Era in Vincentian Vocations and Formation Under a bright blue sky and in blessedly cool weather for the season, the Congregation of the Mission Western Province celebrated its new Vincentian Mission House with a blessing and dedication...
by | Aug 16, 2023 | Carousel, Province News
Fr. Patrick McDevitt, C.M., Provincial Superior of the Congregation of the Mission Western Province, was interviewed Aug. 15 on St. Louis Public Radio’s St. Louis on the Air midday talk show about the Aug. 19 dedication of the Vincentian Mission House in St....
by | Jul 20, 2023 | Carousel, Province News
In this month’s Conversations with Confreres interview, Bro. Mark Elder, also known as “Buffalo Bro,” Art Professor and muralist at DePaul University in Chicago, discusses the role of providence in his joining the Congregation of the Mission, as a...