by | Feb 10, 2023 | Education/Evangelization
In the fifth installment of this series, we revisit Fr. Edward Sheehan, C.M., who was by 1930 serving as a bishop and experiencing challenges in logistics, communications, security, and others. This series of monthly articles commemorates the 100th anniversary of the...
by | Feb 8, 2023 | Education/Evangelization, Province News
Brother Richard A. Hermann, C.M., was born in Weingarten, MO, on October 31, 1935, one of 15 children of Edward Hermann and Anna Jokerst. As was the custom, Richard was baptized three days after his birth at his home parish, Our Lady Help of Christians, on November 3,...
by | Feb 7, 2023 | Education/Evangelization
Jeanne Marie Rendu was born in September 1786 at Confort, France, into a family who had achieved a degree of affluence in their community. When the French Revolution broke out and clergy were required to take an oath of loyalty to the civil constitution, priests had...
by | Feb 2, 2023 | Education/Evangelization
Born in 1863 in Pavia, Italy, Giuseppina Nicoli, D.C., was well-educated prior to her entrance into the Daughters of Charity in Turin, Italy. Her apostolate included serving as Sister Servant (Superior) of an orphanage, as a catechist for needy people and children,...
by | Feb 1, 2023 | Education/Evangelization
Feb. 1 is the feast day of the Martyrs of Angers, who were put to death for refusing to renounce their faith during the French Revolution. The martyred included Daughters of Charity Marie-Anne Vaillot and Odile Baumgarten. Angers is 300 kilometers southwest of Paris....
by | Jan 25, 2023 | Education/Evangelization
Fr. Guillermo Campuzano, C.M., Vice President of Mission and Ministry at DePaul University in Chicago, IL, on the occasion of the anniversary of the founding of the Congregation of the Mission by St. Vincent de Paul on Jan. 25 nearly 400 years ago, wrote the following...