by | Apr 25, 2022 | Education/Evangelization
An old college classmate, Dave, was working on a law degree in Dallas with a young family struggling to get along. I was going to be in town for a conference or something and called him up to see if we could get together. He agreed quickly and asked when I wanted to...
by | Apr 19, 2022 | Education/Evangelization
Greatest man in history named Jesus, had no servants, yet they called Him Master. Had no degree, yet they call Him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called Him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He...
by | Apr 14, 2022 | Education/Evangelization, Province News
Fr. Mike Boyle, C.M., was born to Bernard Boyle and Josephine McElhinney in Chicago, IL, on September 24, 1928. He was baptized at Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica on Chicago’s west side on October 5, 1928. Fr. Mike was the oldest of four children with one sister and two...
by | Apr 11, 2022 | Education/Evangelization
We start the week with Palm Sunday and end it with Easter about to burst forth. Christian communities around the world will be concluding Lent and celebrating the Risen Christ. Jews will be celebrating Passover. Ukrainians will be clinging to life, many in a new...
by | Apr 4, 2022 | Education/Evangelization
I am back in the USA now after two weeks in Paris and London co-leading our Vincentian Values and Leadership course. I always enjoy these days and this year was as good as they get. Today marks the beginning of the third year of these stories—the first coming on April...
by | Mar 30, 2022 | Education/Evangelization
On December 20, 1923, Patrick and Mary Richardson welcomed a son into the world. Their boy, John, was born in Dallas, Texas, and ten days later was baptized at Holy Trinity Church, the local Vincentian Parish. His childhood was in the shadow of Holy Trinity Parish,...