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Congregation of the Mission Celebrates Historic Milestone

In 2024 and 2025, the Congregation of the Mission around the world is celebrating the 400th anniversary of its founding by St. Vincent de Paul in 1625 Paris. This community of Catholic priests and brothers, which started with St. Vincent and a small number of priests and brothers, now operates in 95 countries with more than 3,000 members.

Celebrations, Masses, and observances have been held throughout the Congregation of the Mission Western Province. The video at right was shown at the Jan. 25 event at St. Vincent de Paul Parish in St. Louis, Missouri

Our Founder

Ordained in 1600, Vincent de Paul began his priesthood working with some of the wealthiest, most prestigious families in France. For five years, he served as household tutor and spiritual director to the influential Gondi family. While he loved the experience, Vincent soon found his true calling – ministering to the poor. He devoted his life to prayer, selfless service, and sacramental ministry, and he worked to announce the Gospel to the poor.

Vincent ministered to those on the fringes of society – galley slaves, war victims, and the materially poor.

Following the unmistakable promptings of the Holy Spirit, Vincent understood the power and purity of God’s message: evangelize the poor. Together with his companions, Vincent shaped the Little Company. They ministered to those on the fringes of society – galley slaves, war victims, and the materially poor. In prayer, Vincent begged God for the humility, simplicity, and gentleness he needed to carry out this important work.

St. Vincent de Paul’s charism has lived on for four centuries. Vincentian priests and brothers follow his example of holiness and energetic labors, dedicating their lives to prayer, community life, and evangelical service, seeking out those most in need of God’s love and mercy.

St. Mary’s of the Barrens Parish: The Early Days

In 1987, Fr. John Bagen, C.M., produced this volume, a detailed history of St. Mary’s of the Barrens in Perryville, Missouri, the ancestral home of the Vincentians in America. More recently, Fr. John Rybolt, C.M., revisited Fr. Bagen’s manuscript, adding a treasure trove of maps, photos, and illustrations that bring the original volume to life. Read the book online by clicking the cover to the left or the button below.  

What Makes a Vincentian

In this series, Fr. Ray Van Dorpe, C.M., former Provincial for the Congregation of the Mission Western Province, explains the vows and virtues that are specific to the Vincentians. Click on the headings below to read Fr. Ray’s insights about each vow or virtue.


The Vow of Poverty

The vow of poverty does not mean living a life of destitution. Rather, it means living a life that is simple, it is to live as Jesus lived. READ MORE

The Vow of Celibate Chastity

Like Jesus, the chaste celibate is more open to sharing his love with in a more inclusive way, and this freedom enables him to pursue a more profound evangelization of the poor. READ MORE

The Vow of Obedience

Those who take this vow today commit themselves to enter into open and responsible dialogue with the leaders of the community and to listen carefully to the opinions of others. READ MORE

The Virtue of Simplicity

Simplicity, as the first virtue, means to speak and act with clarity and honesty. St. Vincent called simplicity “my gospel.” READ MORE

The Virtue of Humility

“Humility” comes from the Latin word “humus,” meaning earth or soil. So, we are reminded that we are material creatures, born of the earth, and as such we have limitations. READ MORE

The Virtue of Meekness

In practice, meekness is a combination of gentleness and firmness, standing fast to one’s principles, but always willing to listen and speak with affection. READ MORE

The Virtue of Mortification

Every year during Lent people might ask one another, “What are you giving up for Lent.” or “What are you doing for Lent”? Both of these questions point to the virtue of mortification. READ MORE

The Virtue of Zeal

Today, our understanding of this virtue includes zeal for the salvation and wellbeing of the entire person – soul, mind, and body. READ MORE

Photo Galleries

Foundation Day Ceremonies
St. Vincent de Paul Parish, St. Louis–Jan. 25, 2025
St. Joseph Parish, New Orleans–Jan. 26, 2025

Video From Los Angeles Anniversary Celebration