Our Parish Appeals for 2023-24 are focused on serving the poor in Kenya, providing care for senior Vincentians who have devoted their lives to the Vincentian charism, and supporting vocations and formation programs to recruit and educate the next generation of Vincentians.
St. Louis de Marillac Program
The current drought, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, and harsh economic conditions in East Africa have plunged 4.2 million of Kenya’s poor into even more desperate impoverishment.
The work of the Vincentians in the Vice-Province of Kenya is more crucial than ever. The St. Louise de Marillac program provides needed food, water, and supplies to the most vulnerable.
Bless Those Who Bless You
Senior Vincentian priests and brothers have devoted their lives to working with the poor, preaching the Gospel, and teaching in seminaries. Today in the Congregation of the Mission Western Province, more than 50 senior confreres are in need of support and care, 30 of them in the Apostle of Charity Residence at St. Mary’s of the Barrens in Perryville, MO.
Support for Vincentian Vocations
For 400 years, Vincentian priests and brothers have cared for the poor and abandoned, have served as educators, and have spread the gospel according to the charism of their founder, St. Vincent de Paul.
Today, the Western Province has revitalized its recruitment and formation program to identify and educate the Vincentians who will continue this important work. Your support will help provide for recruitment of new vocations, as well as coursework, education materials, housing
expenses, and more.
Read more and learn how to contribute to these important causes HERE.